
2015 NISSAN SENTRA 2015 Gasoline, 1.8, , VIN - 3N1AB7AP3FY289654 from the USA

Brand NISSAN Model SENTRA Year 2015 Fuel Gasoline Mileage, km 0 Volume, l 1.8 Type of checkpoint Automaton Color SilverCylinders 4VIN 3N1AB7AP3FY289654State Run & Drive VerifiedDamage From the sidesAuction date 2025-01-17 AutoRIA
* Price from USA$7 900
Minimum at auction Average at auction Maximum at auctionYour price
** Price in Ukraine$8 848
Minimum on AUTO.RIA$5 000 Average on AUTO.RIA$8 848 Maximum on AUTO.RIA$11 200
Payment for AUTOUSA Services$500Insurance Fee$200Transfer Commission$156Auction Fee$100Customs Clearance$2 008Delivery Package to Ukraine$4 090Repair$ –
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* The price from the USA - the cost of a turnkey car with delivery to Ukraine
** The price in Ukraine - the cost of a similar car on the Ukrainian market

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